Election Round-Up

The Midwest decides against the likes of Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock. Congressman of Missouri—Akins said that women couldn’t get pregnant from a “legitimate rape” because their bodies have a way of “shutting that whole thing down”. Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill shuts him down. Tea-party-backed Mourdock, State Treasure of Indiana, planned to fill a House seat till he commented that women impregnated via rape is a “gift from god”.
Rep. Joe Donnolly (D) replaces him.

Maine and Maryland become the first two states to approve gay marriage at the ballot box, exciting advocates and breaking a losing streak. The issue had been voted against 32 times; but opinions had changed since ’08—by 2010, polls suggest more Americans support same-sex marriage than oppose it and in May, Obama endorsed the issue. Washington and Minnesota are close behind.

New Hampshire makes history electing an all women delegation. Already possessing two female senators—New Hampshire sends Carol Shea-Porter
and Ann Kuster to the House and elects a female Governor.

Democrat U.S Rep. Mazie K Hirono becomes the first Asian-American women in the Senate—first female Senator of Hawaii.

Democrat U.S Rep. Tammy S. Baldwin becomes the first openly gay U.S senator—first female Senator of Wisconsin.

Steven Horsford cements himself in Nevada history books—originally as the state’s first black Democratic Senate leader, and now as the first black congressman to represent the state in Congress.

Washington and Colorado legalize recreational use of Marijuana. Washington’s Initiative 502 will make pot accessible to anyone 21 and up and establishes a blood test limit for possible drivers. A financial gain to the state—three-fold 25% tax imposed on the plant—grower to processor—processor to retailer—retailer to customer; it is projected this heavy tax could bring in up to $500 million, every penny being redirected towards healthcare, substance-abuse prevention and education.

Massachusetts passes medical marijuana—allowing qualified patients to purchase marijuana “produced and distributed by new state-regulated centers or, in specific hardship cases, to grow marijuana for their own use.”

Arkansas is almost the first state of the south to approve Medical marijuana.

California’s Proposition 36 reforms the “Three Strike’s Law” of ’94.
Revises Three Strikes to impose life sentences only when new felony convictions are “serious or violent”. Authorizes re-sentencing for offenders currently serving life sentence—continues life sentence penalties for felons with “non-serious, non-violent third strike if prior convictions were for rape, murder, or child molestation.” 3,000 convicted felons serving life terms under the Three Strikes Law are now eligible to petition the court for new, reduced, sentences—potentially saving the state somewhere between $150 to $200 million a year. About 8,800 prisoners are currently serving life terms under Three Strikes.




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