Spare Change News Advertising Rates for 2011

WidthxHeight Price Back Cover Price
Full Page 10.5”x13” $560 $650
Half Page 10.5”x6.5” $280 $325
Quarter Page 6.5″x5.25 $140 $162.50
Eighth Page 5.25″x3.25 $70 $81.25
Business Card 3.5″x2″ $35 $40
Front Page Banner 10.5″x2″ Contact for rates

Spare Change News charges an additional 25% over posted black and white rates for full color ads. Checks should be made out to Homeless Empowerment Project. Please note in the attached document below valuable price breaks for repeat advertisers!

If you should have any questions, call the office at (617) 497-1595. Thank you for your interest in advertising with Spare Change News!


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