Author: Alisha Parikh

  • Boston Area Workers Defend the Constitutionality of Unions

    Boston Area Workers Defend the Constitutionality of Unions

    In just one of 11 rallies across the state of Massachusetts hundreds of union workers crowded outside of the Boston Firehouse, Monday, March 3 to raise their voices against a pivotal Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of imposing union fees in the public sector. The opening remarks of Janus v. American Federation of State…

  • Mass. Lawmakers Consider $15 Minimum Wage

    Cheers and jeers filled the State House on Tuesday, Sept. 19  as supporters and opponents alike packed the Garner Auditorium to voice their opinions on a bill proposing a $15 hourly minimum wage at a hearing held by the Joint Force Committee of Labor and Development. The current minimum wage in Massachusetts is $11 an…

  • Affordable Homes Combat Gentrification in Somerville

    Affordable Homes Combat Gentrification in Somerville

    The shy New England sun shone brightly this past Saturday in Somerville for the groundbreaking ceremony of the 11 condominium development at 163 Glen St.   Since its inception almost three and half years ago, Somerville Community Corporation and the City have worked tirelessly to acquire the funds to support the construction of the condominiums.…