Author: Alison Clark

  • Aaron Tanaka: Co-founder, Boston Worker’s Alliance

    SCN: What is the Boston Worker’s Alliance? AT: It’s an organization based in Grove Hall in the Roxbury/Dorchester area. The BWA is a grassroots community organization lead by underemployed and unemployed workers, and people with barriers to their employment. The co-founder is city councilor Chuck Turner and the District 7 Advisory Board, which are veteran…

  • Mariama White-Hammond: Project Hip Hop

    Project Hip Hop was started in 1993 and is run out of Roxbury, MA. It is a youth-led organization that aims to re-connect a new generation with the values of the Civil Rights Movement, and to raise people’s awareness of the ongoing struggle against institutionalized racism. Project Hip Hop’s main goal is to teach young…

  • Roxbury's Prophet: Rap Phenom, Moufy Rhymes with Gitty Eloquence and Tender Rage

    To cite the Urban Dictionary again, the first definition for Boston is, “A city that really feels like a town full of business people during the day and college kids at night.” Not to sound like a snob, but this is my impression exactly, although I only moved here recently. Having lived for many years…

  • In Cambridge, the Homeless Help the Homeless: A Surprisingly Effective Solution

    Alison Clark You might think, after all these years of trying to end homelessness, that every possible solution has been tried. Shelters, soup kitchens, and social workers are prolific around the country and yet the homeless population continues to grow. A Cambridge non-profit realized that addressing the symptoms of homelessness will not prevent it, and…