Author: Darnell Moore
Black Boys Under the Gun
A day after the Thanksgiving holiday, 17-year-old Jordan Russell Davis was shot by a 45-year-old assailant, Michael David Dunn. Dunn claims that he unloaded his gun into a vehicle full of teens in “self-defense” after stopping the youths to order them to turn their music down. Davis was Black. Dunn is White. Lest the public too…
Django Unchained: A Review
Django Unchained directed by Quentin Tarantino (Weinstein Company, $29.99) I expected the epithet “nigger” to be overused in Django Unchained. It is a Quentin Tarantino film after all, and Tarantino is proficient in hyperbole. I was not prepared, however, for the countless eruptions of laughter following those scenes — and there were many — in which “nigger” was used…
Dispatches from the DNC
Downtown Charlotte is buzzing with excitement as delegates, media outlets, and big-name politicos are beginning to make their way to large caucus meetings and other events that are presently occurring prior to the official kick-off of the big events at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. The anticipation that is increasingly building up partly signals the…