Author: Doug Holder
The Mugging: Times Square: 1973
New Year’s I drank quarter beers and lived in a delirium of lights. The flash of the flash-in-the pan the hooker and the tourist whores working the opposite side of the street. And then running down the dark alley the sucker punch the spray of American Express Checks the denominations, flapping to the ground my…
Poems by Doug Holder
Change My Breath The sardines Sliding in oil A dash of mustard A delicious hot dollop My tongue Ravished By horseradish. It dances Like a flapper Across my teeth. Now change My breath My love Before we kiss Sometimes I think All things so sweet Will inevitably stink. The Suburbs 1962 Mom a gurgling scream…
A Holocaust of Toads
By Doug Holder As boys- we dropped rocks a flurry of bomblets on a passing phalanx of toads. Commanders for once free from the clamp of parental constraint punch drunk with the notion of our control of fate life death. And like mini Dr. Mengeles, we experimented stuffing firecrackers down their twitching throats and watched…