Author: Emily Tannenbaum

  • Instanbul: Still Rising Up

    ISTANBUL, Turkey—As the dust settles, change fills the air in Istanbul. On 28 May 2013, close to 100 people occupied Gezi Park in Taksim Square to protest its government-ordered demolition. When police stormed the park with tear gas and water cannons, the peaceful occupy movement turned into mass demonstrations lasting about two weeks all over…

  • Flash Mob for Change

    On Thursday, February 14, 2013, the “V” in V-Day didn’t just stand for Valentine’s; it stood for change. One Billion Rising, a global initiative, chose the day of love to take a stand against domestic violence. Project Hip-Hop, an organization based out of Roxbury that works with young hip hop artists to challenge the community…

  • the gift of life: emerson college student donates bone marrow to stranger

    Back in 2011, after saving a young woman’s life, Maxine Renning was left with a few reminders; four small holes in her back and a lifelong friend. Now as a 20-year-old marketing major at Emerson College, Renning is doing what she can to continue helping others fight against blood cancers. Before being diagnosed with myelodysplastic…