Author: James Shearer

  • Random Thoughts

    Random Thoughts

    As we sweat through summer, I have a few things on my mind: The Supreme Court The court justices or should I say jesters have handed down some rather insane rulings in the last couple of weeks: stomping all over abortion rights, the Hobby Lobby ruling is just plain stupid, letting employers opt out of…

  • In Memorium: Central Square

    In Memorium: Central Square

    A couple of weeks ago, I was walking through Central Square in Cambridge, looking for somewhere to grab a quick bite before heading back to the SPARE CHANGE NEWS offices. I thought about Hi-Fi, the little fast food restaurant on the corner of Brookline St. and Massachusetts Ave. Not the healthiest of choices for lunch,…

  • There Is No Color Here

    There Is No Color Here

    Over the past few weeks, we have heard about racism everywhere, from a tax-evading cow farmer to the NBA. Once again there were racial slurs hurled at an opposing hockey player in Boston. The list just goes on. I do not really have an opinion on the matter. Why? Because I have talked about racism…

  • A Lost Soul

    A Lost Soul

    Last week, I lost someone very close to me. As far as I’m concerned, the streets took her, though she hadn’t been homeless in a while. Some people don’t realize how easily one can end up homeless. it can happen in the blink of an eye. It really doesn’t take much; a bad decision, a…

  • A Basic Human Right

    A Basic Human Right

    On January 26, a homeless man was brutally assaulted in Allston, according to a female eyewitness who threw herself in front of the man to protect him. The man, Michael Hudson, was being brutally beaten; one of his attackers was actually slamming his head into the sidewalk. Police arrested two men who grew up together…

  • Robbing Peter

    Robbing Peter

    “Really?” That’s my standard reaction when I hear or see things that are disturbingly stupid these days. It was how I reacted when I found out that Bread and Jams would be closing its doors. For those of you who don’t know about Bread and Jams, it is a drop-in center that has served the…

  • Another Fare Increase?!

    Another Fare Increase?!

    Once again boys and girls, the MBTA is getting ready to fleece us. On July 1, prices will go up 10 cents on both buses and subways, monthly passes will go from $70 to $75 and commuter rail passes will go from $5 to $17 depending on the distance. Unlike the last fare hikes two…

  • Behind the Curtain

    In the last issue of SPARE CHANGE NEWS, there was a story of a woman, Fachon Fetters, who was being evicted from her home by Heading Home, the program that provided her with housing (“Evicted with Six Months to Live”). Apparently, Fetters, who has breast cancer, was being evicted at the behest of her seemingly…

  • A Reason to Hope

    Every now and then in this seemly unending battle against homelessness, I come to a crossroads. I ask myself if I should keep fighting or if I should just fold up my tent and call it a day. I could call it a day; I have served on the board of directors of Spare Change…

  • A Child Left Behind

    Just a week ago, in the midst of the Department of Children & Families (DCF) controversy that began when 5 year old Jeremiah Oliver disappeared from his Fitchburg home late last year, a couple of things came to light. Over 95 children either directly or indirectly in DCF custody have died and it was found…