Author: Nicole Fleming

  • Justice Department Orders Phasing Out of Private Prisons

    Justice Department Orders Phasing Out of Private Prisons

    In late August, the Justice Department issued a directive to phase out the use of private companies to operate federal prisons. As each private prison contract comes up for renewal, the Bureau of Prisons “should either decline to renew that contract or substantially reduce its scope in a manner consistent with law and the overall…

  • Stanley Forman: 40 Years After the Soiling of Old Glory

    Stanley Forman: 40 Years After the Soiling of Old Glory

    The photo was chilling. Before a crowd of onlookers, a white man appears to be attempting to stab a black man with the tip of a flagpole. “It really showed racism,” said photographer Stanley Forman 40 years after he took the Pulitzer Prize-winning snapshot of an anti-busing protest that had turned violent. “It was whites…

  • Hit the Ground Running: Boston Marathon runners find inspiration in fundraising for charity

    Hit the Ground Running: Boston Marathon runners find inspiration in fundraising for charity

    Ed Wholihan was cold, wet and exhausted, and though he was only a few miles from the Boston Marathon finish line, he had just hit The Wall. He was on Beacon Street, having made it up and down Heartbreak Hill while runners around him dropped like flies. The gray skies and steady drizzle had permeated…

  • Red Cross has emergency need for blood donations

    Red Cross has emergency need for blood donations

    Source: KOMUnews/Abbie Loveall The Red Cross faces an emergency need for blood donors after harsh January weather cancelled more than 300 blood drives across the country. Every day, the Red Cross has to collect 14,000 blood donations to maintain an adequate blood supply for the 2,600 hospitals and transfusion centers in its network, said Mary…