Author: Paul Simmons

  • Saul Alinsky and Progressive MA Politics

    The other day I was re-reading Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and found his observations relevant to Massachusetts progressives, both in terms of criticism and insight. The upcoming special election for the Senate seat, vacated by John Kerry upon his confirmation as Secretary of State, provides opportunities beyond the result at the polls. Because the…

  • Deval Patrick’s Tax Plan Is Regressive and Dangerous

      While credit is due to Governor Patrick for his submission of a revenue-progressive tax structure, the devil is in the details. A close look at the proposal – in particular the forty-five tax exemptions that are slated to be abolished – demonstrate that the proposal is not progressive at all. Indeed, the real-world effects…

  • Progressive Triumphalism Is Premature

    Under Democratic and Republican governors alike, and with the cooperation of a supposedly progressive legislature, Massachusetts is defunding human services and education and prioritizing corporate welfare.   This casual contempt for the less fortunate among us continues.  On December 4, the Governor announced further cuts under his 9C powers (which do not require legislative approval):…