Author: Robert Sondak

  • Down and Out in Boston: Massachusetts Women Encounter Great Economic Hardship

    Although Cambridge and its sisters Boston and Quincy remain economically prosperous and have a combined population of 830,000 people and 430,000 women, women still have a higher poverty rate than men. Cambridge, the home of Spare Change News, has a population of 105,000 people. The Cambridge household income has almost doubled from $55,000 to $95,000…

  • Remembering Gil Scott-Heron

    A powerful voice left us at a youthful age of 62 in late May of 2011 when long-term Harlem resident, poet and recording artist Gil Scott-Heron passed away. Scott-Heron was a rapper, poet and musician who was primarily known for his syncopated spoken words, harsh-blunt criticizing poetry performances in the 1970 ‘s and 1980’s expressing…

  • Plug In

    State of Massachusetts receives grant to install electric vehicle charging stations. In July of 2011 the Patrick-Murray Administration and the Department of Energy Resources DOER invited cities and towns statewide to apply for an electric charging station grant. This grant was part of a settlement obtained by Attorney General Martha Coakley ‘s office in 2007…

  • Talking About Revolution

    Tufts, President Lawrence S. Bacow presents Tufts graduate, singer songwriter and four time Grammy winner Tracy Chapman, with an honorary doctorate of Fine Arts during the universities 2004 commencement in Medford, MA. Recognizing her for social activism, music and community work. Growing up in a poor, working class family, raised by a single mother in…

  • The Welfare Vote

    In early August, I received a voter registration letter and application from the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). I remarked that DTA was doing their job — perhaps because of a voting rights lawsuit brought against the agency in December of 2011. The lawsuit was brought by NY-based independent think-tank, Demos, and New England United…

  • Hubway pedals into Cambridge

    Robert Sondak Spare Change News After four months of planning, Hubway Boston’s regional bike share program, an alternative transportation system which is both environmental friendly and pollution free, launched service in Cambridge the week of Monday July 30. The opening of five bike stations represents the first wave of Hubway service coming to Cambridge. The…

  • Mass. Farms Fight Food Insecurity

    Robert Sondak Spare Change News The Produce to Pantries program at the Boston Natural Area Network (BNAN) was founded two-and-a-half years ago as a way to connect community gardens and people with limited means who were also facing food insecurity. Since the summer of 2010, this program has been providing local New England-grown produce gathered…

  • Long-Running Lunch Program at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul

    Robert Sondak Spare Change News The Monday Lunch Program at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in downtown Boston was founded 29 years ago. Since 1983, this program has been providing a hot lunch every Monday at noon to people who do not have a kitchen of their own. Membership has grown over the past…

  • Census Data: Cambridge Reports an Increase in Homeless Population

    Robert Sondak SPARE CHANGE NEWS The last week in January 2012 hundreds of communities nationwide conducted their annual homeless census, required by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This national census includes two separate counts involving a tally of unsheltered individuals and a tally of families and individuals staying in shelters…

  • What the Walk for Hunger Accomplishes

    Robert Sondak Spare Change News On May 6, 41,000 walkers participated in the 44th Walk for Hunger and helped to raise $3.6 million for a wide range of hunger relief organizations in Massachusetts. The executive director of Project Bread, Ellen Parker, addressed the crowd of walkers: “We’re all heartened that our economy is showing signs…