Author: Sam Amore
The Gold Medalist at the Giveaway: Aly Raisman visits Dorchester family shelter for mattress donation event
From left: Pearl, age four, shelter resident, Aly Raisman, and David Wolfe, CEO of Leesa Sleep. Photo: Samson Amore. Olympic gold medalist and 2016 women’s gymnastics team captain Alexandra “Aly” Raisman visited Heading Home’s Dorchester shelter on July 20, to help the families living there unbox their seven new mattresses from her partner company, Leesa…
Holyoke Weighs Options to Handle Panhandling
Officials in Holyoke are considering what some people are claiming may turn out to be an unconstitutional measure to curb begging for donations in their city. The city, which contains roughly 40,000 residents, has about 20 panhandlers who roam the streets regularly, according to a source close to city hall. The City Council proposed erecting…
Lynn Shelter Association Awarded a Slew of Grants
The Lynn Shelter Association received $140,000 in grant and endowments over the past few months. First they received $40,000 from the Boston Foundation, as part of their Open Door grant program. That endowment, announced on April 14, was quickly followed by an award from The Cummings Foundation, which pledged $100,000 to the Lynn Shelter Association…
Boston Uncornered: Former Gang Members Seek New Road to College
Former gang members, politicians, law enforcement officers and philanthropists shared a stage on May 18 for College Bound Dorchester’s 13th annual fundraiser. This year, the nonprofit unveiled it’s new “Boston Uncornered” program, a three-year initiative with the aim of helping troubled youth and adults attend and graduate from college. Boston Police Commissioner William Evans…
Boston schools commit one million dollars to homeless students for 2018
The Department of Education estimates that there may be as many as 37,000 homeless students in the Massachusetts public school system. New studies suggest that public school students in both Boston and New York City are at greater risk of homelessness during their school years. A Politico analysis of New York City found a 25…
National Runaway Prevention Month
A recent annual report from the National Runaway Safeline says that each year, roughly 250,000 children and adolescents call expressing concerns about their family life or home life, and anywhere from 1.6 to 2.8 billion youth run away from home. As part of its mission to help these youth, the NRS engages in a month-long…
Solidarity and reflection in Cambridge after Pulse shooting
Amid pride month festivities in Boston, a crowd gathered at Cambridge City Hall for a somber reflection on the shooting at a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Members of Cambridge’s school board, interfaith communities and local government were present as Mayor E. Denise Simmons remarked on the tragedy. The shooter entered Pulse nightclub in Orlando,…
Building a Bridge: Spare Change News featured in State House exhibit
Photo: Sam Amore Spare Change News vendors stood alongside Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr and Senator Patrick O’Connor this Monday at the unveiling of a new exhibit at the State House. The exhibit, entitled “Building a Bridge: Spare Change News Past, Present and Future,” displayed the work the paper has done in its career of…
State Senate budget debate included 18 amendments for homelessness and low-income services
Photo: Emmanuel Huybrechts Statewide senate budget hearings ended Thursday night, with resolutions passed for the 2017 fiscal year beginning on July 1. Eighteen amendments regarding services and care for the homeless reached the senate floor, eight of which have been passed. A $2 million increase for prevention of youth homelessness, proposed by Senator Jason M.…
City hall hears proposal of just cause eviction law
All photos: Sam Amore Displaced tenants and members of over 35 tenant’s rights organizations gathered outside of Boston City Hall on March 14, advocating that the city councilors pass a just cause eviction law. Also present were members of the Small Property Owner’s Association, a group of local landlords who are strictly opposed to the…