Author: Seth Kroll

  • Gentrification Anxiety: JP Residents Demand More Affordable units in New Housing

    Gentrification Anxiety: JP Residents Demand More Affordable units in New Housing

    Earlier this year, activists swarmed Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s office and called for more affordable housing to be included in Plan JP/Rox. What attracted Susan Prager and her husband to Egleston Square nearly 30 years ago? The affordability of a single-family home and the diversity of the residents living in the area. Now, this section…

  • Activists Come Out For Fourth Annual Jamaica Plain Porchfest

    Activists Come Out For Fourth Annual Jamaica Plain Porchfest

    Politics has seeped into an annual Jamaica Plains art festival where musicians use neighborhood porches as their stage. As live music reverberated throughout Jamaica Plain during the fourth annual JP Porchfest on July 8, community activists were given a platform to talk about issues ranging from affordable housing, climate change and immigration rights. The Resource…