Category: Books & Poetry

  • The Split Man: A review of Marc Goldfinger’s ‘Heroin’s Harbor

     Heroin’s harbor is the addict, as Marc D. Goldfinger’s collection of poems and stories, Heroin’s Harbour makes harrowingly clear. Heroin is the body of the addict that craves the drug, and it’s the mind of the addict that cooperates with the insistent body, paradoxically rationalizing any action that might provide safe harbor for a poison. Human beings are frail…

  • Celebrate the release of SCN writer’s book at the Lizard Lounge

    Come out to the Lizard Lounge and celebrate the release of “Heroin’s Harbour,” the forthcoming book by Spare Change News Columnist, Vendor, and Poetry Editor Marc Goldfinger on Sunday, Dec. 8.  The night will kick off with a poetry slam at 8p.m., and Marc will take the stage to do a reading at about 9:30p.m.…

  • Book Review: ‘Prey For Us’

    I was introduced to Geoffrey Neil’s wonderful writing because his first book, Dire Means, was about homelessness in Santa Monica, California where some extremely devious people tried to end homelessness through evil means. In that book, I met a woman named Morana Mahker, who was very skilled at both eliminating people and tracking their movements…

  • Fiction: A Fly In The Ointment

    He sat in the center and waited. A fly buzzed into the center and dropped to the floor. It lay still. Something in the air shifted. There was the smell of burning. Paul, sitting quietly in the center of circle and pentagram, turned in the direction of the movement in the corner of his eyes.…

  • Dead Man’s Blues by Ray Celestin: A Book Review

    Dead Man’s Blues is a fantastic book that takes the reader back to the wild Chicago of 1928 where the booze and drugs flowed freely. The city is controlled by Alphonse Capone, a man in the grips of tertiary syphilis. The disease is in its third, incurable, stage. Capone had syphilis for over fifteen years,…

  • Buy Me Boston: Brian Coleman’s new book is a ‘love letter’ to the city’s past

    Buy Me Boston: Brian Coleman’s new book is a ‘love letter’ to the city’s past

    Brian Coleman Rat Sign. Photo by Margot Edwards It may be tough to believe for those who weren’t there, but the Celtics weren’t the only thing happenin’ in the city of Boston throughout the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s – and local historian Brian Coleman is here to remind us of that. Coming in the form…

  • Stray to Tent A Forever Home: A Book Review

    Stray to Tent A Forever Home: A Book Review

    Stray to Tent A Forever Home What a glory! This book by Gary Clark is beautifully illustrated to raise children’s awareness about homelessness in a positive, loving way. It says that it is for children from the ages of 5 to 8 but really, this is a book for everybody. Really, I found the…

  • Reprisals: A Poem by Mike Fiorto

    Up in Shohola we met Nick Dillard, He asked us to come to his house. He had built it, he said, shingle and thatch, Sometimes he lived there with his spouse.   She’s sick now, arthritis, Too hard to come up; she stays in Stroudsburg these days. He comes for the hunting, Bears and coyote,…

  • If They Come For Me

    Tell them I was here a while, that I loved some good women, but that the ones I loved best left. If they try to break down my door, tell them I wrote a lot of poems, too many, perhaps, and some plays, and two novels. Tell them none of this paid my rent or…

  • Book Review: Homeless: A Day In The Life

    “Someone who’s warm can’t understand someone who’s cold.”——Alexander Solzhenitsyn. This book really brought back the old times of my being homeless. The one very big difference is that this man, who calls himself ‘our friend’ throughout the book, is not an addict. This story is totally engrossing, as he travels through a northwestern city and…