Category: Opinion
Discovering Fiction: The Lost of Innocence in James Joyce’s “Araby” and Ernest Hemingway’s “Indian Camp”
Jacques Fleury Spare Change News Ah, Childhood, a time when our slates were clean and fresh like the morning dawn; a time when we saw life very much as we saw a new toy, something to be observed and explored. This innocence lasts up until that moment when, one day, everything changes; the tooth fairy’s…
Why is this Anything Other Than Just Murder?
Once in a while there is just that story that, for many, just doesn’t sit right. If the story sparks up enough controversy, this could not only cause large groups who are concerned to link arms, but create a political divide amongst an entire nation. The Trayvon Martin story has done just that; a boy…
Editorial: Homeless Hotspots and Sandwich Boards
Since the time of Charles Dickens in the 1800s, the poor and downtrodden have been used in various ways in society, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. The premises and outcomes of this kind of hiring of the disadvantaged are up for review and one ought to understand their clear implications about how a…
Editorial: Court Gives Big Money the Biggest Say
Massachusetts legislators should get behind resolution S772 that calls for a federal constitutional amendment to reverse the United States Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. There is the letter of The Constitution and the spirit of The Constitution. Somehow the U.S. Supreme Court tortured some rationale out of that guiding document…
Editorial: More MBTA scenarios, please
The MBTA has two scenarios to meet a $160 million budget shortfall. Both involve a combination of fare increases and service cuts. Neither is acceptable. State policy makers and MBTA officials need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a better plan. Both of the current T scenarios, one of which…
The Legacy of the Black Soldiers of the Civil War
In honor of Black History Month Jacques Fleury Spare Change News “Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once.” — Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (II, ii, 32-37) The contributions and achievements of black people throughout American History have often been overlooked in traditional history textbooks. Although I was educated…
Vendor Profile, Anthony Thames
Larissa Butrimowicz Spare Change News Spare Change news vendor Anthony Thames, born and raised in the South End of Boston, and has been with Spare Change for two years. He became a part of Spare Change because he needed to make some changes in his life and find some direction. It has taken him over…
Massachusetts is preparing another grim budget for the next fiscal year that is expected to include modest “revenue enhancers” — that is, tax and/or fee hikes on the general public — and yet another round of cuts to social services. Given those two eventualities, the state’s dubious film tax credit program belongs on top of…
Making Cambridge Safer for Walkers
Robert Sondak Spare Change News US News & World Report included the city of Cambridge in a 2009 story, “15 Cities for People Who Hate Driving and Long Commutes.” Cambridge scored high with an average commute time of 24 minutes and a 58 percent rate of non-car commuters. According to the article, “Cambridge combines all…
Editorial: Cut!
Massachusetts is preparing another grim budget for the next fiscal year that is expected to include modest “revenue enhancers” — that is, tax and/or fee hikes on the general public — and yet another round of cuts to social services. Given those two eventualities, the state’s dubious film tax credit program belongs on top of…