Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bill would offer college path to homeless and youths in foster care

    A new bill before the U.S. Congress seeks to give the country’s 1.3 million homeless students, and nearly 437,000 students in the foster care system, better access to college. The Higher Education Access and Success for Homeless and Foster Youth Act (HEASHFY) was introduced by Massachusetts Congresswoman Katherine Clark and Washington Senator Patty Murray, both…

  • Dreamers, TPS holders join Members of Congress to advocate for new Dream and Promise Act

    On March 18, in front of the JFK Building at Boston City Hall Plaza, Massachusetts leaders, and immigrant advocates spoke out in support of legislation that would ensure that Dreamers and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders can obtain permanent residency. The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), which represents a number of immigrant advocates…

  • Braintree resists denser development that would add to affordable housing

    Braintree resists denser development that would add to affordable housing

    Braintree Town Hall. Hundreds of Braintree residents filled the town hall on March 25, standing and sitting wherever they could, as the town opened the public hearing process for extensive changes proposed for Braintree’s zoning laws. Before the hearing, more than fifty protesters were outside town hall holding signs with slogans such as “say no…

  • Pine Street Inn Bringing Housing to Jamaica Plain

    Pine Street Inn Bringing Housing to Jamaica Plain

    One of the city’s most prominent homeless shelters is planning to bring 140 units of permanent supportive housing to Jamaica Plain. Pine Street Inn, the region’s largest homeless services provider, announced it is working with a nonprofit housing organization to create 225 new units of housing at 3368 Washington Street and is planning to file…

  • When the Climate Crisis Leaves You Homeless

    In this piece from Sacramento’s Homeward Street Journal, the intersection between the housing, homelessness and climate crises are examined, and how nefarious actors are taking advantage of this confluence of events for their own gain. Tarp-covered tents crowd the Stockton Boulevard lot as those with nowhere else to go seek cover from pounding rains during…

  • ‘I Always Came Back’: A Story of Survival

    ‘I Always Came Back’: A Story of Survival

    “Hey, baby!” Linda Burston, with an illuminating smile and wide eyes, greets every woman who comes through the doors of Women’s Lunch Place. They always know when Linda is in the room; even among the clink clank of dishes being piled high, the scraping of metal fork against ceramic plate, the hum of conversation among dozens of…

  • Friday Cafe offered food and warmth during New England winters

    Friday Cafe offered food and warmth during New England winters

    Each week during the colder Massachusetts months, about 125 people meet in a renovated parish hall in Harvard Square for a free Friday lunch. The Friday Cafe  is a one day a week day shelter and lunch run by Rev. Kate Layzer. This program offers a wide range of services designed to help either the…

  • When the media dehumanizes the homeless

    When the media dehumanizes the homeless

    A little over a week ago two separate stories about homelessness caught my attention. The first was an article in the Boston Herald in which the main focus seemed to be that homeless people were using MBTA as a place to escape from the cold. There’s nothing new about this. Homeless people have been using…

  • MBTA raises fares despite public opposition

    MBTA raises fares despite public opposition

    On Monday March 12, the MBTA board approved unpopular fare hikes after weeks of pushback from Greater Boston residents and officials. The fares will increase an average of six percent, but will spare student and senior rates from the hike. Starting July 1, a single ride on the subway will jump from $2.25 to $2.40.…

  • Governor’s bill would ease zoning restrictions, create more housing in Massachusetts

    Governor’s bill would ease zoning restrictions, create more housing in Massachusetts

    In an effort to deal with the affordable housing crisis in Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker is encouraging the state legislature to pass a bill that would create more homes in the Bay State. His bill “An Act to Promote Housing Choices” now includes language that would allow cities and towns to easily pass zoning changes…

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