Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Negotiations Between Emerson Service Workers Union, University at Standstill

    Emerson College staff have been meeting as much as twice a week after redoubling efforts to conclude 20 months of negotiations between their union and the university’s management. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 888 Emerson Staff Union was created in late 2017 and has 140 members that provide administrative services and support to…

  • HUD’s Rent Increases and Work Requirements Called ‘Unconscionable and Immoral’

    Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson, proposed changes to rent structures  that are sparking backlash from housing advocates and prominent legislators on Capitol Hill. The change in rent structures calls for a five percent increase in monthly rent contributions based on a family’s monthly income or the amount earned by an individual working 15…

  • Project Bread’s 50th Annual Walk for Hunger

    Project Bread’s 50th Annual Walk for Hunger

    While working to end hunger in Massachusetts, Project Bread hosted its 50th annual Walk for Hunger on Sunday, May 6. For 20 miles through the heart of Boston, over 10,000 people walked and donated money while getting exercise, meeting new people, and fighting for change. “Seeing a sea of people walk who come from all…

  • Mass. Lawmakers Fail to Pass Modest Landlord Reforms

    The defiant mood spread across the steps of the Massachusetts State House on May 2, as dozens of demonstrators from City Life/Vida Urbana and other members of the Right to Remain Coalition learned the Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act had been sent to study — a move that officially means it will not be voted…

  • Forum evaluates state of affordable housing in Massachusetts

    Forum evaluates state of affordable housing in Massachusetts

    Congresswoman Katherine Clark speaks a the housing forum on May 1. Photo: Boston Metro Housing/Bethany Versoy/V2Visuals Associates. On May 1, housing advocates and city and state officials gathered together for a forum about the condition of state and federal affordable housing programs, and what it means for housing throughout the Commonwealth. The event was hosted…

  • Looking in the Mirror: Part Two

    Looking in the Mirror: Part Two

    A few years ago a woman I was dating asked me this question: “Why are there hardly any women selling Spare Change?” It was a question I had heard before and for the life of me I couldn’t answer it. I remember mumbling something about I didn’t know if the board of directors or anyone…

  • Me Too founder Tarana Burke: ‘This is a battle we can win’

    Me Too founder Tarana Burke: ‘This is a battle we can win’

    When Tarana Burke was six-years-old, she was raped by the son of her mother’s best friend. Ten years ago, the activist founded Me Too in order to support young black girls and, in 2017, the hashtag #metoo became a buzzword all over the world. A recurring question that Tarana Burke is asked by men is:…

  • Algorithms: The number crunchers that control your life

    When you switch on your tablet, computer or smart phone and have a browse for a new home, a car, or even a handbag or simple pair of jeans, an algorithm decides the outcome. What is an algorithm? According to the book Algorithms for Dummies, by Mueller and Massaron: “Algorithms are mathematical equations that determine…

  • Boston holds fair housing workshop in Dudley Square

    City officials pushed to educate Boston’s renters and residents on the city’s housing lottery system at Saturday’s Fair Housing and Equity Open House in Dudley Square. The open house featured information tables from municipal housing agencies and private community development organizations, as well as two workshops; one on tenant rights and another on affordable and…

  • Looking in the Mirror: Part One

    Looking in the Mirror: Part One

    The other day I was thinking of one of our former editors, the first black editor Spare Change had in over 20 years, when he came aboard he began to take the paper in a new direction. Let’s just say there was a lot more color than the paper was used to, and there was…

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