Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Proposed Cuts to MBTA Disability Services Pulled Back After Fierce Opposition

    The past two weeks have seen the continuance of an ongoing debate regarding MBTA’s budgeting issues. Officials for the transit system receded last month’s proposal for a $7 million cut in services for the Ride—a door-to-door transportation network for disabled and senior citizens—after heavy protest from advocacy groups and riders alike. “Given the size of…

  • Homeless women face a different set of problems

    The number of homeless people in the United States has been increasing rapidly over the past several years and women have been among the fastest growing group. Among the most advanced nations, the United States has the highest number of homeless women and children. Of homeless women, 60% have children who are under 18, but…

  • Commission releases report on senior LGBT housing

    A report by the Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission on LGBT seniors living in housing run by the Cambridge Housing Authority (CHA) recommended that the CHA sponsor programming for people who identify as LGBT, include gender identity as a protected class in the CHA anti-discrimination policy and collect information about how many LGBT seniors live in CHA…

  • ‘Swan Song’ by Robert R. McCammon: A Book Review

    Inside her mind was the beauty of the world—what was left of it, that is. Everything had changed. The giant cornfields broke open, and missiles flew out of the ground. Submarines all over the ocean fired nuclear warheads, and not a country was untouched. Robert R McCammon has achieved his masterpiece in the story of…

  • Contribute to Spare Change News!

    Dear readers, I wanted to introduce myself as the new editor-in-chief of Spare Change News and let you know how you can get involved with our organization! We’re looking for writers and volunteers of all sorts. I want to push SCN forward as a community newspaper in addition to a street paper — one capable of covering…

  • Food Banks Seek State Funds as Federal Cuts Loom

    Food banks from across Massachusetts expect to see major cuts as the Republican Party plans to slash $150 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which helps feed some of the state’s neediest residents. To make up for the loss, four of the state’s largest food banks are asking local legislators to support their…

  • It Makes No Sense: Why close successful transitional programs?

    It Makes No Sense: Why close successful transitional programs?

    Last week homeless activists got some sobering news: two transitional programs have been shut down. Project SOAR and Safe Harbor are gone. Just like that, bang, both programs, which have been highly successful, have been shut down. But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. What exactly is a transitional program, you ask? It’s pretty simple:…

  • MassADAPT takes D.C.

    MassADAPT takes D.C.

    Trumpcare is the Term the Media has Given to Donald Trump’s Version of Healthcare For the American People. Too Bad it’s not What the People of America Want. I went to Washington D.C. on Wednesday March 23, with four other members of MassADAPT, days before House Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the Republicans’ healthcare bill on…

  • Insane Clown President: Matt Taibbi on Social Justice in the Age of Donald Trump

    Spare Change News was able to track down busy journalist and author Matt Taibbi to talk about President Trump’s potential impact on social justice, healthcare and homelessness. Taibbi also spoke about his new book, released in January, titled “Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus”, which gathers his reporting for Rolling Stone during the…

  • NODAPL protest draws local Native Americans to Boston Common

    NODAPL protest draws local Native Americans to Boston Common

    Standing Rock protesters marched through the streets of Boston against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline last Friday afternoon. The rally was organized by Medicine Wheel Solidarity Network, a coalition of groups supporting the NODAPL movement, in order to support the All Nations March at Washington D.C. Several Native American speakers were invited to…

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