Tag: Issue 6-14-2013

  • Gut Feeling

    “In the Body of the World: A Memoir” by Eve Ensler Metropolitan, 232 pp., $25 (hardcover) Eve Ensler’s new memoir “In the Body of the World” encapsulates the very physical nature of grieving as experienced through the journey of the author’s transcendent deliverance through cancer. The book convincingly proposes a parallel between the ills that…

  • Bahrain Uncensored

    “Bahrain: Shouting in the Dark” directed by May Welsh Al Jazeera, 50:56, free online (streaming) The award-winning documentary “Bahrain: Shouting in the Dark” consists of eye-opening images, interviews, and testimonies of members of the opposition who overcame their fear and sacrificed their security for the sake of their democratic rights. In a country ruled by…

  • Khalifa

    Hear me: You, the elder, the “good man”, who “safeguards justice” (so you have always declared), if I were to make excuses for you, I, for you, for the things you have done, I would only look the fool, for you would continue in your ways, and murder us as “traitors”. Hear me: Hear us…

  • All Right

    There is mourning in America, all right. Curses and slurs and the speech of red-faced hate dominate the broadcasts that appear on our television screens, large and immense black rectangles hung on small walls, the beer cans and whiskey bottles piled high beside the old couches covered with blankets and white sheets. The images, sharp…

  • Hiding Homelessness

    A few weeks ago, I found myself reading another article about how the city of Boston is once again addressing the so-called problem of aggressive panhandling. The new ordinance that has been in effect since March prohibits all solicitation at bus stops or bus shelters, parking garages, parking lots, sidewalk cafés and crosswalks. It also…

  • Bahrain: The Forgotten Revolution Remains

    Last week, the Crown Prince of Bahrain, Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, met with a handful of U.S. government officials—including President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden—during a visit to Washington, D.C. While the crown prince posed for photos with the president and vice president, in Bahrain children as young as 15 continued to…

  • Urban College of Boston Offers Hope to Some Unlikely Students

    BOSTON, Massachusetts—When Cecelia Young enrolled in her first course at Urban College of Boston (UBC), she didn’t know who would watch her youngest son while she was in class. Young was homeless at the time. Each night, she had been piling her 12- and 15-year-old boys into the car and driving to a friend or…

  • Tanya Wright Remembered

    BOSTON, Massachusetts—Tanya Wright was an angel that went back to heaven way too soon. She was born in 1956 and died on Saturday, 1 June 2013. Tanya affected hundreds of people in her time here with us. She wasn’t just a mother, a sister, an aunt and a best friend, she was everybody’s best friend…

  • Paul Sullivan, Leadership Development Program Graduate

    BOSTON, Massachusetts—Paul Sullivan looks normal. If you passed him on the street, you would never guess that he has been homeless, much less nearly dead from serious illness. His story serves as a powerful reminder of the forces that lead many into homelessness in this country, as well as the fact that “normal” people become…

  • Harvard Alumni, Faculty and Law Students Join Campaign to Ditch Fossil Fuel Investments

    Cambridge, Massachusets—The campaign to pull Harvard’s stock holdings out of the fossil fuel industry has graduated from primarily a baccalaureate effort, to one that includes law students, faculty, and some of the school’s distinguished and well-heeled alumni. This week, as thousands of attendees and one Oprah descended upon the Cambridge campus for 2013 commencement, and…