Tag: Boston Common

  • Fight Supremacy: Counter-protesters outnumber permitless white nationalist rally in the Common

    Fight Supremacy: Counter-protesters outnumber permitless white nationalist rally in the Common

    Photo: Olivia Deng. On Saturday, a group called Resist Marxism held their “Rally for the Republic” at the Parkman Bandstand in the Boston Common. Surrounded by police for the entire event, the group never received a permit. Resist Marxism’s Facebook description claims they “defend freedom of speech from local government suppression and violent mobs,” but…

  • Boston on Three Dollars a Day

    By Gary, aka John Doe I remember watching Rachael Ray going across the country on her $40 a Day campaign. I also remember that it was possible, in theory, if you were OK with stiffing the wait staff on tips, as Rachael would usually leave somewhere in the area of a 2 percent tip to…