Tag: boston history

  • From The Tractor Seat Nov 20

    By Fred Steele (Road Scribes of America) As we scan the headlines of the news from day to day we often see stories that we believe have no connection to our lives only to discover they were defining moments that changed all our lives. Yesterday is a day we might not recognize as a catalyst…

  • BIZARRE BOSTON: The Secret North End Tunnels

    BIZARRE BOSTON: The Secret North End Tunnels

    In H.P. Lovecraft’s classic 1927 horror story Pickman’s Model, the sinister painter Charles Pickman brings one of his fans to his North End basement studio. The basement has an old well in the middle, which connects to a network of tunnels. Pickman says: “Look here, do you know the whole North End once had a…

  • BIZARRE BOSTON: Ann Hibbins, Boston’s wealthy witch

    BIZARRE BOSTON: Ann Hibbins, Boston’s wealthy witch

    While the Salem witch trials of 1692 are the most famous witch trials to have occurred in colonial New England, people were tried and executed for witchcraft in other cities and at other times as well. Several women were unfortunately executed right here in Boston. Usually people accused of witchcraft were poor and socially marginal,…

  • BIZARRE BOSTON: Phantom airships over Boston

    BIZARRE BOSTON: Phantom airships over Boston

    People have been seeing strange things in the skies for thousands of years. The Biblical prophets saw angels and mysterious wheels. In the Middle Ages, Europeans saw phantom armies and demons, and since the 1940s, people around the world have seen flying saucers and other strange machines. Strange phenomena have been seen hovering over Boston…