Tag: Editorial

  • Editorial: Encouragement in the fight against homelessness

    Credit is due to the Patrick administration for its efforts to reduce the Bay State’s homeless population. A new emphasis on housing as the first response to homelessness promises to be more humane — and cost-effective — than our traditional reliance on shelters and motels to get people off the streets. The policy shift took…

  • Editorial: The Feel-good Sales Tax Holiday

    “We do it, frankly, not because it’s particularly fiscally prudent, but because it’s popular.” That’s Gov. Deval Patrick explaining what has become the annual sales tax holiday, this year’s scheduled for the weekend of Aug. 13-14. In other words: it makes no real sense, but a lot of people are fooled into thinking it’s a…

  • Editorial Meeting

    All editorial staff are invited to our bi-weekly editorial meetings. It’s also a great chance to jump in if you haven’t written for Spare Change News before, but are interesting in joining.

  • Editorial Meeting

    All editorial staff are invited to our bi-weekly editorial meetings. It’s also a great chance to jump in if you haven’t written for Spare Change News before, but are interesting in joining.