Tag: human trafficking

  • Officials Announce State Police Sex Trafficking Unit

    Officials Announce State Police Sex Trafficking Unit

    On April 5, state officials announced the creation of a new human trafficking unit within Massachusetts State Police that will focus on the sexual exploitation of children, according to a statement from the office of Gov. Charlie Baker and Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito. The four-person state-police team led by veteran detective Lt. Pi Downsbrough will…

  • SEX TRADE: CEASE Boston combats local sex trafficking

    SEX TRADE: CEASE Boston combats local sex trafficking

    A sex trafficker, a pimp, will go to the mall in search of a group of girls. When he finds one, he’ll scan the group to see which girl he perceives has the lowest self-esteem. For this, he’ll rely on analyzing their body language. He won’t go for the conventionally attractive one or the least…