Tag: Immigrant Rights

  • How unaccompanied youths become exploited workers in the U.S.

    How unaccompanied youths become exploited workers in the U.S.

    Border between San Diego and Tijuana. – Wikimedia Commons The Trump administration has released a series of executive orders targeting immigration at the U.S. southern border. Central American families and children traveling alone represent nearly half of all unauthorized migrants apprehended by Customs and Border Protection. The criminalization of immigrants at the U.S. southern border…

  • During federal deportation raids, Bostonians rally for immigrant rights

    During federal deportation raids, Bostonians rally for immigrant rights

    As the U.S. government conducted nationwide raids on undocumented immigrant families, Bostonians gathered at the State House steps on January 7 to show solidarity and denounce the country’s mass deportation efforts. The night also marked the Feast Day of the Epiphany, an important feast day in Latin American countries celebrating the arrival of the Three…