Tag: infrastructure

  • Badly Needed T Renovations Bogged Down by Backlog

    If the MBTA, Greater Boston’s public transit system, shut down for a year, the state would lose $11.4 billion. That amount would come from residents’ time lost travelling, their effort spent maintaining a car, and a rise in the number of injuries and fatalities. Yet the Massachusetts state budget only devoted $2.4 billion to transportation…

  • Bay State Consumers ‘Overcharged’ Billions by Utilities?

    Bay State Consumers ‘Overcharged’ Billions by Utilities?

    Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons A new report says two utility companies have inflated their energy costs for customers in Massachusetts and other New England states. The allegations are being made in a new white paper by the Environmental Defense Fund. Craig Altemose, master of public policy for the group 350 Mass for a Better Future,…