Tag: Issue 05-04-2012

  • Echoes of racist Boston

    Last week, the Boston Bruins lost game 7 of the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs to the Washington Capitals.

  • The Skeleton in Madame Simote’s Closet

    Jacques Fleury Spare Change News It remains a mystery as to how and why Madame Simote’s husband actually died. Jean Herbie Simote was the handsome town doctor and was perceived to be a philanderer. He was rumored to have had affairs with a plethora of Madame Simote’s female friends and even some of her relatives.…

  • The Case for a Third Party in America

    Aaron James Spare Change News​​ Do you realize that you can influence and even write our laws? It does not matter what your economic situation is, we all are given a voice. And when we look back at our history, it is not always those with the biggest wallets that leave the greatest legacy, rather…

  • Why Our Country Can’t Trust Mitt Romney

    By Marc D. Goldfinger So, as Mitt Romney wins in the Illinois Primary and knocks Rick Santorum out of the race, which makes him the Republican candidate, he decides he will not sign up for Medicare. Would that we all had that option! If I were as rich as Mitt, I wouldn’t take Medicare either.…

  • Mitt is Mean: Why Romney is Still Dogged by Seamus

    Leanne O’Brien Spare Change News When Mitt Romney fastened a carrier containing Seamus, the Romneys’ Irish setter, to the roof of the family car, he could not have predicted the firestorm of controversy that the event would ignite almost 30 years later. The story was first unearthed in an exhaustive 2007 Boston Globe profile of…

  • Boston Bounty Bucks Gives SNAP Discount At Farmers Markets

    Robert Sondak Spare Change News Beginning in May, which is the start of the farmers market season, the Boston Bounty Bucks program will mark its fourth birthday. So far, 20 Boston-area farmers markets will participate in this double value food program, which allows households with food stamps (SNAP) to make food purchases at any of…

  • A Mom Who Loved Yet Remained Firm

    Anthony Thames Spare Change News It occurred to me that Mother’s Day was fast approaching, and I realized this would be an opportunity for me to give homage to my dear mom and to all the beautiful moms in the world. I recently sat down with my mom, and we talked about her life. She…

  • Editorial: Romneycare and Obamacare

    The same reasons for passing near-universal health care in Massachusetts were behind President Obama’s national health care reform. Yet national reform is now under challenge by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who helped to pass the Massachusetts law only to blur his position now that he’s catering to a different set of voters. And now…