Tag: Issue 09-24-2012

  • Torture Survivors' Dance

    “Torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted by or at the instigation of a public official on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or confession, punishing him for an act he has committed, or intimidating him or…

  • People Power

    First-time congressional candidate Able Collins (I) hopes to put people back in politics. At a political rally in Rhode Island last month, he told the crowd that if elected to the United States House of Representatives he would help steer the nation back to towards democratic ideals of political participation. First, as a newcomer to…

  • Unemployment Rate Climbs as Mass. Loses 4,800 Jobs in August

    By Matt Murphy STATE HOUSE NEWS SERVICE STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, SEPT. 20, 2012…..Gov. Deval Patrick pledged to the stay the course despite a gloomy jobs report released Thursday morning showing that despite an increase in government jobs the economy shed 4,800 total jobs in August, driving the unemployment up to 6.3 percent. “This is not…

  • Coakley Recognized For Food Drive Efforts

    C. Quinn State House News Service Attorney General Martha Coakley was honored by the Greater Boston Food Bank Wednesday morning for her efforts in organizing the annual “Legal Food Frenzy” which raised more than 430,000 pounds of food for four Massachusetts food banks this past spring. During the past three years, the Legal Food Frenzy…

  • America Demands Homeless Bill of Rights

    A homeless man lies on a retaining wall in Washington. Under current legislation, such activity can be deemed criminal by law enforcers. Advocates and homeless organizations across America are unifying in protest and calling for a Homeless Bill of Rights. Photo: REUTERS/Jason Reed www.street-papers.org Homeward Street Journal – USA The United States has a long…