Tag: Issue 12-02-2011

  • Expert: ‘Even if shelters were better, they’re still not solving the problem'

    Kevin Roberts Street News Service Dennis Culhane, Ph.D., hangs up on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to welcome One Step Away into his office at the University of Pennsylvania. A housing program in Massachusetts had run into trouble with funding and overcrowding, and, of course, it reached out to Culhane, arguably the nation’s leading expert and…

  • The 99% And The Politics Of Hope

    The 99% And The Politics Of Hope By Marc D. Goldfinger I remember when I was young and we had an insulated metal box out in front of our house for the milkman. He would come about every other day, take the empty bottles to be sterilized and refilled and drop off fresh milk topped…

  • Editorial: Doubled demand for housing over shelters, hotels

    “This is not a math problem. It’s a problem with an economy where people are having their lives turned upside down, and we’re going to have to deal with that, and we’re trying to deal with that.” That’s Gov. Deval Patrick, as quoted by State House News Service, explaining the need for $18.2 million in…