Tag: Minimum Wage

  • Minimum Wage Increase Would Be Boon For Families that Depend on Teens’ Paychecks

    A new study from the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center says raising the minimum wage has little impact on teen unemployment, but can have a big impact on teens and their families. On Monday, 18 states saw their minimum wages increase, but Massachusetts wasn’t among them. A bill in the state legislature would raise the…

  • Mass. Lawmakers Consider $15 Minimum Wage

    Cheers and jeers filled the State House on Tuesday, Sept. 19  as supporters and opponents alike packed the Garner Auditorium to voice their opinions on a bill proposing a $15 hourly minimum wage at a hearing held by the Joint Force Committee of Labor and Development. The current minimum wage in Massachusetts is $11 an…

  • Minimum-Wage Boost Making Dent in MA Child Poverty

    It’s a significant dent.   The share of Massachusetts children living in poverty is down, and state job growth along with recent boosts in the minimum wage are cited as big factors pushing the positive trend.   The data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey show the child poverty rate for Massachusetts dropped from…

  • Election Issues: Minimum Wage

    Election Issues: Minimum Wage

    The minimum wage has been a very contentious issue in many local governments and state houses, but this year, the issue could be a focal point in the presidential race. It’s important to know that for an increase in the federal minimum wage to occur, the Democrats would have to win the house and senate,…

  • How did the minimum wage fight end up like this?

    How did the minimum wage fight end up like this?

    For some time, there has been much discussion on increasing the minimum wage at both the national and state level, but companies have recently shown that they intend to make sure that the effect on them is minimal. This can cause problems for those who’ve been actively fighting for progress. There’s no question that income…