Tag: Occupy Boston

  • Editorial: Occupy The Next Step

    A hand-made sign at the Occupy Boston encampment in Dewey Square asks: “Cardinal O’Malley, Where Are You?” The same might be asked of our leaders on Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill, whose timidity has so far led them to keep a safe distance between their carefully manicured political images and the grungy, Woodstock-era look of…

  • A Cup of Tea For Occupy

    Joel Foster On the first night of Occupy Boston, when protesters flooded Dewey Square and set up a makeshift tent village, I overheard a conversation. It was spoken between a young kid watching the action unfold and an older guy, who identified himself as a former Democratic activist. The gist of the conversation was that…

  • The Faces of Occupy Boston

    Nakia Hill Spare Change News Dorothy Allen is an environmental engineer who stands on the corner of Dewey Square holding up a sign that reads Investment Banks Reinvents Socialism. A nun pulls up in her car and gives Allen the thumbs up and says, “God bless you!” It has been almost a week since Allen…

  • Observations

    James Shearer Spare Change News As fall closes in, I have been watching a few things. Maybe you have, as well. 1. This whole Occupy thing. The Wall Street protests have finally reached Boston, big-time. The protests, which started off as a small rally at an area of the Greenway near the financial district, have…

  • Boston Gets Occupied

    Joel Foster Last Friday, September 30th saw the launch of OccupyBoston, a local movement in solidarity with the protests in New York. Other major cities around the country, such as Miami, San Francisco and Washington D.C., also started their own “Occupations” to fight back against government corruption and corporate greed. Taking their cues from the…

  • Foreclosures, Economic Inequality Draw Diverse Group in Protests

    Nakia Hill Spare Change News Economic inequalities, social injustices, foreclosures, and $5 debit card fees brought together a variety of people for Take Back Boston on Friday, September 30. White-collar workers, activists, immigrants, LGBT citizens, low-income citizens, youth, and the elderly all marched together from Boston Common to Bank of America’s Headquarters on Federal Street.…