Tag: Poetry

  • Poetry By Carolyn Gregory

    ARM IN ARM (for Oscar Wilde) Oscar, I would have lovedto have a date with youon Valentine’s Day.We would have walkedarm in arm in Dublin,dressed like dandies. Your wit would have floored meas you picked on the cell phone junkiesand girls in stilettos.You might have pointed out a boyor two with promise. You talked about…

  • Thanksgiving, My Wife’s Surgery and Two Books

    By Marc D. Goldfinger It was a strange Thanksgiving.  The day before the holiday I had to get Mary Esther, my wife, to the hospital by 7 a.m. Originally the operation she needed on her back was scheduled for 2 p.m. but the early person canceled so that moved us up in the queue. It…

  • Reprisals: A Poem by Mike Fiorto

    Up in Shohola we met Nick Dillard, He asked us to come to his house. He had built it, he said, shingle and thatch, Sometimes he lived there with his spouse.   She’s sick now, arthritis, Too hard to come up; she stays in Stroudsburg these days. He comes for the hunting, Bears and coyote,…

  • If They Come For Me

    Tell them I was here a while, that I loved some good women, but that the ones I loved best left. If they try to break down my door, tell them I wrote a lot of poems, too many, perhaps, and some plays, and two novels. Tell them none of this paid my rent or…

  • The Damage Done

    By Marc D. Goldfinger “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”—–‘William Shakespeare, The Tempest, act I, scene 2’ Sascha watched the sky as it began to darken. The powdery snow drifted in the wind. She pressed her hand against the window and scraped the ice on the glass with her fingernail. Sascha knew…

  • MarySusan Williams-Migneault (c) September 2011

    On the edge of a dream… I’m not sure when the lines faded between then and now but there you were as real as flesh Jedi mind tricks no doubt I felt your lips like cushions of air push your breath into mine your hand circling my back your strength pulled me close intensity pressed…

  • What’s A Few Years?

    Ed Galing You wake up one morning and you are feeling good you are ninety years old live alone without a wife and take care of yourself and most of the time you are in a bad mood old age makes you that way today is different for you the sun is shining through your…

  • Poetry from Andrew Rosen

    Currency Loneliness is our constant currency. No bills, no coins, it circulates with water underground, with wind through avenues. This is human strangeness. Beings coagulate while staying separate. Loneliness springs, withers, and springs against gruff brick, our separate enclosures with openings for the hard-to-forget sun and the more erratic moon, our guardian alone and shining.…

  • Marc Goldfinger: Spoken Word

    [img_assist|nid=121|title=|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=234|height=237]Marc Goldfinger, a  former Spare Change News vendor and Editor-in-Chief and current columnist and Poetry Editor, has arranged for the album “Getting Fixed,” performed by the Jeff Robinson Trio, as a download for our readers. Feel free to check out his poetry and the beautiful rhythms of the trio: All he asks in return is…