Tag: refugees

  • Tent Cities for Detaining Immigrants to be Built on Toxic Military Bases

    A coalition of immigrant, labor and environmental groups is demanding details on government plans to detain migrant families at military bases known to be contaminated from decades of use for munitions and hazardous waste disposal, nuclear weapons development and military firing ranges. On Wednesday, Aug. 22, as the Trump administration rushed to build tent cities at…

  • LGBTQ Asylum Seekers Face Higher Hurdles Despite Widespread Oppression

    Cambridge’s LGBTQ+ Commission and the Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship co-hosted an event on Thursday, November 9, to highlight the struggles faced by those seeking refuge from queerphobia and the oppression it breeds. The event, titled Challenges, Experiences, Freedom: LGBTQ+ Immigrants and Asylum Seekers, featured speakers who have faced this grueling asylum process, and…

  • The Roots of Exodus: Why Are People Compelled to Leave their Homes?

    The Roots of Exodus: Why Are People Compelled to Leave their Homes?

    People are leaving their homes. It’s not because they want to but because they have to—to survive. Climate change, food insecurity, war and conflict; these are the root causes of this displacement. But is anyone doing anything to address them? Facts are facts, and one of them is that while everybody talks about the growing…