Tag: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  • The Poor People’s Campaign: Putting Humanity Before Politics

    The Poor People’s Campaign: Putting Humanity Before Politics

    Before Martin Luther King’s tragic death 50 years ago this month, he had begun organizing what he would call the Poor People’s Campaign. The focus was to bring economic justice to all poor people regardless of their race. Though the campaign continued after King’s death, it never had the success he envisioned. Now 50 years…

  • Boston Clergy Reignite MLK’s Poor People’s Campaign

    As Americans all over the country eagerly await a real change, an enthusiastic crowd of people was heard chanting “No more! Poverty has to go!” outside Trinity Church on Thursday. The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, who is popularly known for his effective Moral Mondays movement, and the Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, have picked…