Tag: Vendor

  • Sponsor a Spare Change Vendor!

    Sponsor a Spare Change Vendor!

    If you want to help our vendors stay warm this winter, you can order them some winter gear directly though our Amazon wish list here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1KS675B75LFP7/ref=cm_wl_list_o_1. This year we have 22 vendors who have need of winter gear that will enable them to sell papers in inclement weather. We are handling this event a bit…

  • My Spare Change Experience

    My Spare Change Experience

    My name is Pat Dixon, and I’ve been selling Spare Change News since 2001. I first became interested in SCN after I saw one of my neighbors selling the paper in Harvard Square. His name was Bill and he said I should sign up as well. He’s since passed away, and I now sell in…

  • Why I Sell Spare Change News!

    My name is Michael Thistle and I’ve been a Spare Change News vendor since 2007. I’m currently not homeless, but I use to be on and off for many years. I’m an alcoholic who’s been in recovery for 11 years now. Alcoholism took me to many places in my life that I honestly never thought…

  • LAST WORD: Beatrice Bell

    LAST WORD: Beatrice Bell

    It’s the morning of Good Friday at Spare Change News, and Beatrice Bell, one of the newspaper’s longest-serving reporters, is telling me an amazing story. At the age of seven, after a terrible asthma attack, she found herself having one of those life-changing experiences that are called, in the literature, “near-death.” For three days, which…