Tag: Voices From The Street



    When I was young, I traveled far and wide and never worried about finding a bathroom during the trip. Well, at least not to take care of my normal bodily functions, that is. But now a new horror has risen over the horizon. Last year, my wife Mary Esther and I were traveling to Vermont…

  • VOICES FROM THE STREETS: That Immigration Thing

    VOICES FROM THE STREETS: That Immigration Thing

    I haven’t said much about the immigration debate, though I’ve been following it since it began. I sometimes tend to stay out of political arguments because they can be divisive. People on either side of the debate want you to pick a side. There’s really not much room for a middle ground. No matter what…



    I sit at my desk looking around my office and I have to feel gratitude. It’s 2015 and just 21 years ago I was strung out on heroin and didn’t know where I was going to lay my head at night. In the last issue of Spare Change News was an article about me as…

  • VOICES FROM THE STREET: Two Dogs and a Kitten (Part Four)

    VOICES FROM THE STREET: Two Dogs and a Kitten (Part Four)

    A man gets out of prison and comes home to the mother of his children and is blown away by the chaos they live in. He’s struggling to stay drug-free but doesn’t have a program. He just got stoned with a friend who had a place to bathe his kids. (Click here for Part One,…

  • VOICES FROM THE STREET: Two dogs and a kitten (part three)

    VOICES FROM THE STREET: Two dogs and a kitten (part three)

    A man gets out of prison and comes home to the mother of his children and is blown away by the chaos they live in. He’s taking the kids out for ice cream. (Click here for Part One and Part Two) “Let’s go,” I said to the kids. “What about mommy?” Donald asked. “She’s not…

  • VOICES FROM THE STREET: Two dogs and a kitten (part two)

    VOICES FROM THE STREET: Two dogs and a kitten (part two)

    (Part one can be read here. A man comes back from prison and finds chaos at his home. He’s taking his children out to do the laundry after going out for breakfast.) Jeannie wanted to help me put the dirty clothes in the washing machine. Donald wanted to play with one of the kids at…

  • VOICES FROM THE STREET:  A certain sadness

    VOICES FROM THE STREET: A certain sadness

    I, along with millions of others, watched the events that unfolded in Baltimore last week. Like so many others, I was also angered and saddened by what went down. It’s a scene that has become all too familiar over the last year. A young black man was killed by the police, seemingly without provocation. Freddie…

  • VOICES FROM THE STREET: Well, Charlie?

    VOICES FROM THE STREET: Well, Charlie?

    In my zeal to crucify the Mayor Marty Walsh administration for what happened with Long Island shelter and its aftermath, it was brought to my attention and also to the attention of other activists that, while we were busy roasting the mayor, the state had emerged unscathed from our criticism. Well, for my part, let…