Tag: y2y harvard

  • Poverty Greatest Contributor to Youth Homelessness, Report Finds

    Poverty Greatest Contributor to Youth Homelessness, Report Finds

    Photo: Alena Kuzub Finding a direct link between youth homelessness and poverty was the conclusion of a study conducted by Paula Braitstein for JAMA Pediatrics. Braitstein is an associate professor at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health. She analyzed the self-reported reasons youth had for living on the streets in developed…

  • Young and Homeless: My Experience

    Young and Homeless: My Experience

    My name is Andrew, I am 23 years old. When I was 21 years old, I was living in a DCF group home in the South End of Boston. I had been living there for a few years, and had been growing more and more frustrated with my situation. I didn’t have a lot of…