In the last issue I formerly introduced myself as editor of Spare Change. Now that readers have an idea of who I am, I would like to take the opportunity outline some of my goals for the paper.
First and foremost it is my goal to keep Spare Change in line with its mission to provide a voice to the homeless and economically disadvantaged. Throughout it’s history Spare Change has been filled with content produced by those who have and are living within the homeless community, including three pieces in this issue. The content provided by these individuals has been invaluable to the survival of the paper because it allows readers to experience each writer’s unique perspective of life on the streets, and their dedication towards ending homelessness. Ensuring that Spare Change remains a voice in which Boston’s homeless can utilize is something we pride ourselves on. I not only encourage our vendors and members of the homeless community to seek out and produce rich content, I also look forward to working with them.
Along with providing a voice to the homeless community, Spare Change also provides opportunities for writers and college students who wish to contribute to the paper the opportunity to do so. I believe Spare Change provides professional writers a place to share their ideas surrounding homelessness, and social justice issues, while also providing college students the chance to gain valuable experience while also seeing their work published. I believe this is important because, well, that’s how I got involved with the paper. As a communications student at Bunker Hill Community College, I was originally just looking to have an article or two published in order t continue building my portfolio. However, one article became two, two became three, and with each article I wrote I became more aware of the issues surrounding homelessness and the paper’s mission grew on me. It is my hope that other writers will have a similar experience; the more people involved the better.
While the paper will remain consistent with the outline established by my predecessor, David Jefferson, I will be making at least one significant change. Starting with the next issue I will no longer be writing a regular editorial in this space. While I do feel it is important for the editor to communicate with readers, I also think it is important for me to continue providing the paper with journalistic content. Furthermore, I believe we can best utilize this space by filling it with op-eds written by people at the forefront of homelessness, social justice, and education. I also plan on featuring short biographies of those currently living on the streets. Though I will occasionally write an editorial, I myself have never been homeless, whereas those who have been working on front lines within the homeless community will be able to provide more knowledge and experience then I am able to.
Another are in which I would like to see Spare Change grow during my tenure as editor is establishing greater communication between you the reader and the newspaper. As I said in my first editorial, your feedback is extremely important to us. If you think we there was a story we should have covered, let me know. If there is a particular story, poem or even photo you liked, I encourage you to visit our website ( and leave a comment. The same goes if you have any criticisms. If you have story suggestions, please share them. If you just feel like sharing you thoughts on a specific vender you buy from, please do. My point is, your thoughts are valuable to the paper, and I am looking forward (and expecting) to hear from you, the readers. I can be reached at,
I am looking forward to working towards achieving the goals outlined above as Spare Change continues delivering realizable, empowering content to the community.
Adam Sennott
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