Three A.M. in Hell

Three A.M. in Hell
By Andrea S. Gereighty

Blood on the table
bone on the wing
tonight something evil
covers the sky.
The moon cross cut
Drips with excrement, pus.
The wind slices knives
serrated, through us.

Dehumidifiers hum
song, hymn, prayer
nothing can save us
terrorism stalks there.

Will we be hijacked
cut down in the street
or flesh eating microbes
crawl up our legs,
on our sheets.
Sarin gas, biochemicals, Anthrax, a bomb.
How do you live with the horror to come?

Andrea S. Gereighty is the Director of the New Orleans Poetry Forum (NOPF) and an award has been established in her name for young poets. Andrea has been published in the California Quarterly, Desire Street, Xavier Review, Gulf Coast, The Magnolia Quarterly, National Poetry Review, New Orleans Review, and many other places. She won first place in the Deep South Literary Award For Poetry, just to name one 1st place award. She focuses her poetry on Louisiana because she feels it is fascinating.






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