Boston Police Salute African American Hero

In honor of Black history Month, the Boston Police saluted the first African American to receive the department’s prestigious Medal of Honor earlier this month.

The Boston Police saluted Detective Frederick McLean in a press release February 12. McLean received the Medal of Honor after he arrested two armed men as they attempted to rob a store on Tremont Street On April 7, 1952, the Boston Police said in a press release. McLean served on the department’s Special Service Squad, but wasn’t on duty at the time of the incident, Boston Police said.

McLean was on his day off when he learned about two men who were planning an armed robbery, Boston Police said. McLean drove through Roxbury and discovered one of the men in front of the store acting as a lookout while the other suspect held the owner at gunpoint inside the store.

After arresting the lookout, McLean used him as a human shield to enter the store and arrest the second suspect, Boston Police said. The second suspect was an escapee from the State Hospital for the criminally insane.

Roseann Hollywood is Distribution Manager and a writer for Spare Change News.





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