HUD offers $2 million in grants to help students living in assisted living pay for college

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) made it a little easier for students living in low-income housing to attend college earlier this month.

HUD announced in a press release on August 2 that it is making $2 million in grant funding available to these students through its Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) Program, which aims to connect public housing residents with public and private resources that will help them “increase earned income, reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance and make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency.”

Access to higher education can drastically change the lives of young adults, HUD said.

“The Department of Education estimates that those who earn a bachelor’s degree earn two thirds more than those with only a high school diploma or an average of $1 million more in lifetime earnings,” the release stated. “In addition, college graduates are far less likely to face unemployment. It’s also estimated that within the next four years, two thirds of all new full-time jobs will require a college education.”

HUD Secretary Julián Castro said that earning a college degree or professional training is “essential to be competitive in today’s 21st century global economy.”

“By helping students access federal financial aid, HUD is lifting up students to overcome financial challenges and reach their full potential,” Castro said in a statement.

The ROSS Program, also known as Project SOAR (Students + Opportunities + Achievements = Results), is making this funding possible. Working in tandem with The Department of Education and The White House’s Social and Behavioral Sciences Team, The ROSS Program is helping families gain economic and educational liberation.



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