Sponsor a Spare Change Vendor!

If you want to help our vendors stay warm this winter, you can order them some winter gear directly though our Amazon wish list here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1KS675B75LFP7/ref=cm_wl_list_o_1.

This year we have 22 vendors who have need of winter gear that will enable them to sell papers in inclement weather. We are handling this event a bit differently from last year in the interest of making sure vendors receive approximately the same quality of item across the board.

We are having a high school community service club take responsibility for the packaging and wrapping of the items.
Please consider donating because SCN vendors have experienced hypothermia and frostbite (leading to loss of fingers and toes) in years past. SCN vendors earn an income to lift themselves out of poverty by selling papers, but earning this income is much harder during winter months and a lack of warm weather gear can mean the difference in working or having to stay indoors.

Additionally, please considering donating to the Cambridge Mayor’s Fire Relief Fund, which was up in response to a 10-alarm fire that displaced over 100 residents.





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