My Suffering Back Home

After years of illness and abuse, Lucy found healing at Rosie’s Place.

-Voices From Rosie’s Place

When I was young, I had polio. I did not understand what kind of illness I had. It started with fever all the time. There was no one to complain to. No medical care, no money. I was stuck. After some time, the color of my skin began to change, and my legs became very weak.

All I could do was cry. I couldn’t stand or walk. I was suffering. My husband was walking. But he never cared for me. He wanted to sleep with me and make himself happy. That was all! I managed to cook and take care of my kids.

They took me to one native doctor who used to cut my legs with blades and put some hot medicine on them. I almost died of the pain. I told them to stop! I did not let that man cut my legs again. That was the end of my treatment.

My only hope was with God—praying. I managed to go to church. That was where I got peace of mind.

I learned how to sew. My husband bought me a sewing machine. That was how I started making a little money and taking care of myself and my kids. My legs were bad, but I used them to sew.

My legs were getting smaller and weaker every day. I walked in the street and fell. People looked at me and laughed. I wasn’t comfortable with myself. I didn’t like to go to places where other people were. I wanted to be alone. I looked so beautiful, but when people saw my legs their faces changed.

I went through that for many years. I had to move forward and put my trust in God. Later my husband became very sick and he died. I became a widow with so many problems. I was being abused by my husband’s brother. God sent me a man, a “Moses,” who brought me to America. It was not easy for me, but God made a way where no way had existed before, and I found Boston Medical Center.

I met with several doctors for the first time. They asked me a lot of questions about myself; I told them I couldn’t remember everything. One of the doctors said, “If you were here in the U.S., we would have helped.” They said it was polio.

They did all the tests that they could and gave me a cane to help me from falling. But sometimes I fall. They said, “We can help with some pain medication to keep you going. Do your exercises. That is what is going to help you more.”

I put everything in God’s hands. No more fear. If I fell, I would get up and go! I took my medications, did my exercises and tried to eat healthy. It is good to know the truth about yourself.

I thank God who made the way for me to come to this great nation called America. I also thank the family that helped me to come here. Special thanks to Rosie’s Place, who helped me find myself. And to Boston Medical Center, all the staff and teachers and all my wonderful friends.

“In Their Own Words” is a monthly collaboration from Rosie’s Place.






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