Help Spare Change News Help Others!

Happy Spring! Spring is a season of new beginnings and change. We want to start off by thanking you all for your gracious and generous donations from our past fall appeal. We sincerely appreciate your help and support. It is because of you that we are still alive after 27 years and still able to carry out our mission of empowering others with a hand up rather than a hand out. Thank you all for your continuous support.

This year, we are working on a new project called the Homeless Empowerment Mobile Initiative. In a nutshell, the Homeless Empowerment Project (HEP) is planning on going mobile! There are numerous individuals in and around the Greater Boston area who would like to become Spare Change News vendors to help support themselves financially, but due to their location and burdens related to commuting, they are unfortunately unable to make it down to our distribution office in Harvard Square.

To help these future Spare Change News vendors we plan to use a car, truck, or van. This would allow us to establish daily “pop-ups” in designated spots throughout the Greater Boston area, Monday through Saturday. This initiative will create more opportunities for Spare Change News to become more accessible to the homeless and economically-disadvantaged.

We want to thank you for your support. It is because of your generous donations that Spare Change News has continued to help the homeless to help themselves.

If you’d like to donate to Spare Change News, print and fill out the form below and and send it to : Spare Change News, 1151 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA, 02138.







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