Author: James Shearer

  • Ban This, Ban That

    Ban This, Ban That

    As I write this column, it’s a very frigid, cold day and the night will be even colder. Naturally, I can’t help but think of those who have nowhere to go, and as I think of them I wonder why people are trying to run away or even hide the homeless. I say that because…

  • Does It Really Matter?

    Does It Really Matter?

    So the elections have come and gone, and for the first time in eight years here in Mass. a Republican will be in the State House. I voted this past Tuesday, but like thousands who stayed home I wondered if it would make a difference. I mean, really, does it matter who is in the…

  • A Pissing Contest

    A Pissing Contest

    In the May 2 issue of Spare Change News carried a cover story called “Infrastructure Inequality” by Alex Ramirez about the Long Island Bridge, which connects Boston’s homeless to the city’s Long Island Shelter via a bus route through Quincy. The bridge is old and rickety and has been in decay for years. It is…

  • Sparing the Rod

    Sparing the Rod

    Like most of us, I’ve been following the mess that is the National Football League this season. I’m not talking about the games themselves. I’m talking about the controversy. The Ray Rice situation is pretty cut and dry, and yes, count me among those who believe the league knew all along about that tape. But…

  • Labels and the Immigration Problem

    Labels and the Immigration Problem

    A few weeks ago, the Mayor of Lynn was explaining how the flood of immigrants has affected Lynn’s economy in a not necessarily good way. She said the city is spending more on education, and most of the new immigrant children don’t know English well enough to get a proper education in the school system.…

  • Farewell to a Friend

    Farewell to a Friend

    Much has already been written and said about my contributions to Spare Change News over the years, and as I prepare to retire from the Board of Directors, the only thing I can think of is my friend, mentor, and fellow Spare Change News co-founder Tim Hobson. Tim passed away on August 19, just a…

  • It’s Called Accountability

    It’s Called Accountability

    I can’t say that I was the least bit surprised when I read Shawn Musgrave’s article on Boston public housing and the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). I’ve always had issues with them, starting with how they operate their low-income housing program known as Section 8. I have known people who, for…

  • In Memory Of

    In Memory Of

    On July 31, we here at SCN lost an old friend, Jerome Frazier. I met Jerome just as SCN was starting. He, along with his brother John and their friend, Tony Kelly, were real street salesmen. I didn’t know much about Jerome. His dad was a preacher, and Jerome always looked and presented himself that…

  • Conflicted


    As I watch with horror at what is going on in the Middle East, a few things come to mind; all of which are sad and somewhat emotional. I’ve never really understood the whole Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Let me repeat that I get the conflict — I do read. But this whole Palestinian state thing, I…

  • Not Enough

    Not Enough

    A few weeks ago SCN celebrated its 22nd anniversary. Our annual gala as usual was great: good food, a great keynote speaker, an inspiring vendor photo exhibit. Just a great night overall. And as usual, several people who spoke thanked me for what I and other founders created. It is always moving when someone leaves…