Author: James Shearer
More Housing Hijinks
James Shearer Spare Change News Back in early March, local housing authorities in Massachusetts gathered with local lawmakers. The reason? Well, basically the greedy housing barons were crying in their overpriced beers that the Governor was being unfair to them just because one bad apple did indeed try to steal the show. You may remember…
The People Have Spoken … For Naught
James Shearer Spare Change News The other day while I was in Brookline I ran into two people with clipboards trying to get signatures against the MBTA’s fare hikes and service cuts. “It’s already too late,” I said to them. “No, it isn’t,” they protested. “Yes,” I said sadly, “it is.” And yes, boys and…
James Shearer Spare Change News A couple of days ago I participated in a forum, The MetroWest Homelessness Forum in Wellesley (Yes there is homelessness in Wellesley.) It was inspiring. I felt a ray of hope, which is pretty unusual these days. Most of the time when I go to an event like this with…
Settling for Less
James Shearer Spare Change News A couple of days ago I participated in a forum, The MetroWest Homelessness Forum in Wellesley (Yes there is homelessness in Wellesley.) It was inspiring. I felt a ray of hope, which is pretty unusual these days. Most of the time when I go to an event like this with…
The People Have Spoken
James Shearer Spare Change News Last week there was a rally in front of the Boston Public Library organized by people who are against the MBTA’s service cuts and fare increases, which are scheduled to take place in July. The rally, which was shortly before one of the many public hearings organized by the T…
James Shearer Spare Change News In my last column I spoke of the fare increases on the MBTA, which take effect in July. Even though I wrote that the increases and service cuts were unfair, I thought to myself later that if I’m wrong about all of this and it’s not that bad, I would…