Tag: voices from the streets

  • Spare Change News

    On Thanksgiving 2021, dozens of people gathered near the intersection of Baoston’s “Mass and Cass” in the area often referred to as “Methadone Mile.”  They carried with them 230 bags packed with socks, gloves, and other supplies to be distributed to the area’s unhoused people — on the street, local shelters, and the New England…

  • Thanksgiving, My Wife’s Surgery and Two Books

    By Marc D. Goldfinger It was a strange Thanksgiving.  The day before the holiday I had to get Mary Esther, my wife, to the hospital by 7 a.m. Originally the operation she needed on her back was scheduled for 2 p.m. but the early person canceled so that moved us up in the queue. It…


    “How about a mother who allows her family to deteriorate, to have no food, to sleep in boxes and in subway stations? Their children would be removed from them immediately, so today we are here to say, we are removing you from the care of our citizens.”  That boys and girls were the words spoken…

  • Change is Good

    Change is Good

    Every once in a while, things have got to change in order for things to get better. If you become stuck in the same old rut, things won’t get better. Trust me. That being said, next month SCN will be increasing its price to $2 for the public. Vendors will pay 50 cents, but will…

  • When Will We Wake Up?

    When Will We Wake Up?

    Until now, I haven’t had much to say about the recent tragedies in Minnesota, Louisiana, Dallas or Orlando. Or should I say murders? After all, that’s what they were. Let’s not beat around the bush here: tragedy is someone being killed in a car accident or a natural disaster. These incidents were cold-blooded murder. Someone…

  • See What I See

    See What I See

    The morning after the night I spent on the streets, I found myself walking into Downtown Crossing in Boston. It was about 5 a.m. I grabbed a cup of coffee at the 7-Eleven and started walking toward the train station. I was walking by Millennium Tower and I suddenly wished I had a camera. I…

  • AIDS Walk 2016

    AIDS Walk 2016

    I had fun on June 5, 2016, the day I participated in the AIDS Walk 2016. We started at the Boston Esplanade and went in one huge misshaped circle back to the Esplanade. I saw friends from both the Boston Living Center and the AIDS Action Committee. I didn’t have anybody from Spare Change News…

  • Boy’s Life: A Book Review

    Boy’s Life: A Book Review

    “Boy’s Life” by Robert R. McCammon, published by Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster Inc. Zephyr, Alabama, is a small town where Cory Mackenson grew up in the early 60s. His father, Tom, was a milkman and sometimes Cory would ride with him early in the morning to help drop off full bottles…

  • Homeless again? Part 2.

    Homeless again? Part 2.

    I had a lot of responses to my last column. Thank you all for your concern. I’ve temporarily landed on my feet but it wasn’t as simple as one might think. First, one of my options fell through, as my past once again came back to haunt me. How something that happened when you were…

  • Homeless Again?

    Homeless Again?

    Yes, you read that title right. I know, I can’t believe it either, but due to circumstances way beyond my pay grade, it’s a distinct possibility. Reasons? Well, let’s just say the system sucks like that, though my current living situation isn’t exactly ideal. I have a roof over my head, I’m safe, warm, dry…