Editorial: Marjorie Decker, A Record of Helping Others

Editorial: Marjorie Decker

Last spring, the Homeless Empowerment Project held a silent auction to raise money for Spare Change News. We had invited Cambridge City Councilor Marjorie Decker as our speaker for the evening, but we were still looking for someone to auction off a few valuable lots. Marjorie came through for us, as a speaker, MC and auctioneer. She entertained us all and got top dollar for the auction items with her enthusiasm and easy rapport with those in attendance.

Marjorie grew up in public housing in Cambridgeport, and she’s motivated by a sense of social and economic justice strongly influenced by her upbringing. Her mother worked with the elderly, and now works with homeless families and helps substance abusers find detox programs. Marjorie was the first in her family to graduate from high school, Cambridge Rindge and Latin, and she went on to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

After college, Marjorie taught first grade and special education for Teach For America in Shreveport, Louisiana. Returning home to Cambridge, she worked in state and local government, and then led the Equal Justice Coalition, a statewide advocacy program for civil legal aid for low-income people.

Marjorie served on the board of the Cambridge Anti-Poverty Agency (CEOC) just before winning a Cambridge City Council seat. The Boston YWCA has recognized Marjorie for her work on affordable housing and her advocacy for racial and economic justice. Marjorie is now in her sixth term on the Cambridge City Council and running for re-election. The Spare Change News community wishes her many more years of service to Cambridge and Massachusetts.






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