Author: James Shearer
Thoughts On Spring
Spreading Fear First I need to say that my heart goes out to the people of Japan. Let’s all pray that their recovery is swift. It’s hard to look at the pictures from there and not be horrified by the devastation that the earthquake and the tsunami that followed it brought upon them. The crisis…
Homeless again
I really don’t like putting my personal life on display, but I am, to show how suddenly even the s o – c a l l e d mighty can fall. For me the holidays sucked. Right around Christmas my partner of 11 years and I split. I won’t bore you with details, just know…
A Different Kind of Evil
Who would gun down a child? That’s the question that Im asking myself this week, along with all of Boston. Of course I’m speaking about the shooting in Mattapan last week that left three people dead, including a 2-year-old child, and one person clinging to life in a Boston hospital. The details are in itself…
Proud to be… Wait a minute
On my Facebook page the other day I came across a statement written by a friend, it read, “America bites” and that and they would rather be somewhere else. Other people agreed with her. Later, I read a letter in another newspaper where someone called this country barbaric. Now at first you may say, “Fine…
One for the Good Guys
I was on my way home when a friend called me to say that Proposition 8 in California had been overturned. I simply smiled and said, “Good.” “Are you happy?” I asked. “Yes,” she said. Now she has nothing to worry about. My friend is gay and has been a part of my life for…
Column-A Shooting in Somerville
On Friday, 33 year old Woman Carol Kingsley was killed by three Somerville Police Officers as they defended themselves. According to reports Ms. Kingsley suffered from grave mental health issues. Also according to reports she was admitted to Cambridge Hospital hours before the shooting. She had been brought there by Somerville Police but was let…
A Ray of Hope
It’s funny when you get hope and inspiration, especially when it comes from the unlikeliest of places. A couple of months ago I was contacted by a man named Shimshon Stu Siegel. Shimshon is the Director of a program out of Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass called Impact Boston, for which High School students from…
Stories: some sad, some really stupid, all interesting…
1. Lawsuit against Happy Meals. I’d like to introduce you to the true enemy of our children folks, none other than that harbinger of evil, Ronald McDonald. That’s right kiddies, Ronald is evil. According to a study done by the CSPL, children are overweight because of McDonald’s Happy meals. How does the fast food chain…
Diverting the Homeless for the Sake of Diverson
The other day, an old friend sent me the link to a story from NPR that while not shocking is still sad and a little sickening. It seems that as South Africa was preparing itself for the World Cup, it began to force homeless people from one of the areas in which the event is…
A Few Thoughts on the Cusp of Summer
1. The Oil Spill For weeks now we have been hearing about the oil spill in Louisiana that was caused by an explosion. The blast killed 11 people and has caused oil to spread throughout the Gulf and Gulf Coast, creating havoc for wildlife and the environment as a whole. Forgotten throughout this fiasco are the…